Hello everyone! My name is Sam Kenney and I would like to tell you a little about myself and my work last year. I grew up in the Midwest, a long ways from the mountains and forest of Oregon, but I have always loved spending time outdoors. Whether it’s big skies on the Kansas prairie or magical waterfalls on the Oregon coast, being outdoors with new friends and old is my favorite thing to do. I am mostly a hiker but I am always up to try new things, and since I have been in Oregon I have enjoyed learning to snowshoe and I have even tried rock climbing. In 2018 I worked as the community engagement conservation intern with the outdoor ambassadors program. Outdoor ambassadors is a partnership between Northwest Youth Corps and the USDA Forest Service that focuses on facilitating fun and meaningful outdoor experiences for everyone. This was a special year. I met wonderful people, was inspired by new friendships, learned many new things, and was awed by the incredible beauty in western Oregon. Just a few of the many outdoor ambassador adventures included snowshoeing at Willamette Pass, hiking Marys Peak, snorkeling with a Forest Service Fish Biologist to search for freshwater mussels, counting steelhead salmon, completing the challenging Harts Cove hike in Hebo, learning bunches of information at science and visitor centers, and completing scavenger hunts on the beach. Every one of these outings was great, but they were made truly special because I was always accompanied by amazing community groups, classrooms, and other outdoor enthusiasts. I am excited that outdoor ambassadors will continue in 2019 with new events, trips, and partnerships and that other RAPs throughout the region are engaged in many creative activities. Stay tuned to TAP into RAP for updates, and outdoor opportunities in the Willamette valley. -Sam
